Spanish Napoleonic Army – progress so far

I thought I’d give you all a quick sneak peek of my Spanish Napoleonic Army so far. All figures are 18mm and painted / based by me, unless specified elsewhere. Flags are open source / internet printed unless stated. Hope you enjoy!

Artillery AB Figures. Generals are AB and Stonewall (Capitan)
Spanish Skirmishers. All figures are AB figures
Spanish Skirmishers and Casualty markers. A mix of AB and Stonewall (Capitan)
Spanish Napoleonic Cavalry. Battle Honours figures, painted by Old Guard Painting Service.
Spanish Infantry. Toledo Battalion from QH Miniatures (Top) and Tercio Infantry (Bottom) from Stonewall (Capitan). The Toledo flag is from Flag Dude.
Spanish Tercio Infantry. A mix of AB, Capitan, Stonewall and Xan figures. Bottom picture is 95% AB.
Spanish Infantry. All figures AB Miniatures
Spanish Line Infantry. Figures from Xan Miniatures (Top) and AB / Blue Moon (Bottom)

There’s plenty more to come, as I have figures on order from La Fletcha Negra painting service in Spain and from QH Miniatures (also based in Spain). In addition I have more AB Generals and Artillery to paint.

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  1. All very good looking units James. The collection is coming along nicely. Keep them coming!
    All the best. Kevin


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